The best rum in the world and more at the post office and liquor store in Constantine

While driving down the leafy lanes of The Helford wondering what to get for Father’s Day this year, I suddenly remembered rumours I’d heard about an amazing post office in Constantine that opens up at the back into a vast liquor store. So I decided to check it out, and I kid you not, I have never seen so many bottles. Whiskies from the four corners of the globe, vodkas in all the colours of the rainbow, cognacs in extravagant, ornate bottles and, best of all, the finest selection of rum I’ve ever seen!
I used to live in Guatemala where rum is part of everyday life but if it was a special occasion then you’d drink a little glass of Flor de Cana – Nicaragua’s finest, and if the occasion was really special then it was Ron Zacapa – certified the best rum in the world. To my amazement, both were sitting there merrily on a little shelf, out the back of a tiny post office, down a narrow wooded lane in South Cornwall.
Now, please don’t think me too much of a lush but I spent a very pleasant half an hour talking highlands, peat particles and floral, heathery flavours and reminisced all the way home about those warm Guatemalan evenings, Flor de Cana by candlelight and the buzz of tree frogs…heaven!
Photo courtesy of sally_monster on Flickr